Regain your voice, fast
We have all had it happen. A big performance or presentation tomorrow, and you get sick. You lose your voice, and then proceed to freak out. This just happened to me, so I did a little digging, and found out that some of the remedies that we have all heard of DON'T WORK!!! *gasp!* so i am putting up a list of a few remedies, and whether they do or don't work.
1: Tea
False! tea is actually bad if you are trying to regain your voice! tea is acidic, which is hard on vocal chords, so if you need your voice back, stay away!2: Lemon
False! lemon is another acid! acids could seriously damage your vocal chords, and they are more susceptible to damage when they are inflamed. So, any time you lose your voice, keep away!
3: Salt water Gargle
True! gargling salt water can relax inflamed vocal chords, bringing your voice back quickly and effectively. Just make sure the water is warm. cold water is hard on your vocal chords, but warm water is healthy and relaxing.4: warm honey water
True! warm water, again, is relaxing, and honey is anti-inflammatory. enjoy!
5: vocal rest
True! as silly as it seems, resting your vocal chords is really important! The reason you have no voice is inflammation of the vocal chords. they swell up and then can't vibrate properly. when they are swollen, they are really susceptible to damage. talking while they are like this is a great way to permanently mess your voice up, so keep quiet as much as possible
So glad to know these tricks especially for those nights my voice is scratchy and I need to sing! Thanks Sarah!