Saturday, May 11, 2013

Raw Honey Exfoliator

I am always looking for ways to get rid of the horrible curse that seemingly affects all of teens. In other words, acne. My skin is really sensitive, though, so I can't use all of the chemicals and treatments. I have started to look for natural alternatives, and they are fantastic. This one, using only raw honey, which you can find at Trader Joe's, is absolutely amazing, and gentle enough that i can use it. It only takes just a moment, and is well worth it.

What you need:

A heaping spoonful of raw honey
at most 3 minutes

what you do:

Simply rub the honey into a thin, even layer all over your face, and allow to sit for about a minute. Then, wet a washcloth in warm water and gently rub to remove the main amount of honey. If there is still honey left, just cup your hands and fill them with water, and then wash your face. Voila!

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