Thursday, November 8, 2012

Quick-dry your nail polish

How did I not know this trick? Submerge wet nails in cold water for 3 minutes. The polish will dry completely, and it gets rid of any that got onto your skin!
This works amazing. I did this before I started painting, so the ice melted a bit before I put my hands in, making it REALLY cold. it worked great.

What You Need:

A bowl deep enough that you can put your whole nails in
Lots of ice (the more ice you have, the faster your nails dry)
Cold water
3 minutes per layer per hand if you have lots of ice, or 5 if not as much.


Put the ice in the container, add water, and allow to sit for a while before putting your hands in. I just got it all set up before I painted my nails at all. Once you do a layer of polish, stick your fingers in the ice water, and leave them there for 3-5 minutes. It will be FREEZING, but bear with it.. I promise it's worth it. After you pull them out, just pat them dry on a towel. VOILA!! Perfectly dry nails in no time.


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